5 neat JavaScript tips


3 min read

In this post, I'll show you 5 neat JavaScript tips that will help you become a better developer. Although this post requires some knowledge of JavaScript, I encourage everyone to read through it.

List of neat tips:

  1. Destructuring
  2. Console tips
  3. Dynamic key names
  4. Set as a data structure
  5. Callback-based APIs -> Promises


What a better way to explain something than through an example. Let's imagine we have an object with some tiger data and we need a function that will tell if the tiger is endangered.

const tiger = {
  specific: 'Bengal',
  latin: 'Panthera tigris tigris',
  endangered: true,
  weight: 325,
  diet: 'fox',
  legs: 4

// Bad code ๐Ÿ’ฉ
function isEndangered(tiger){
  if (tiger.endangered) {
    return `${tiger.specific} tiger (${tiger.latin}) is endangered!`
  } else {
    return `${tiger.specific} tiger (${tiger.latin}) is not 

// Good code ๐Ÿ‘
function isEndangered({endangered, specific, latin}){
  if (endangered) {
    return `${specific} tiger (${latin}) is endangered!`;
  } else {
    return `${specific} tiger (${latin}) is not 
// or 
function isEndangered(tiger) {
  const {endangered, specific, latin} = tiger;
  // the rest is the same

Console tips

Code execution time โฒ๏ธ

Use console.time and console.timeEnd to determine how fast (or slow) your code is?

Here's an example:


//some random code to be tested


Loggin with style ๐Ÿ˜Ž

To have a custom output, we'll add %c like below and then have the actual CSS as the second argument.

console.log('%c AWESOME', 'color: indigo; font-size:100px')


When you want to log an array of objects console.table will come in handy.

// x,y,z are objects
console.table([x, y, z])

Stack trace logs

If you want to get the stack trace of where a function is being called you can use console.trace

function foo(){
  function bar(){


Dynamic key names

A super useful tip!

const key = 'dynamic'

const obj = {
  dynamic: 'hey',
  [key]: 'howdy'

obj.dynamic // hey
obj[key] // howdy
obj['dynamic'] //hey
obj.key // howdy

To see the most often use case of the dynamic-keys concept, check out my previous post.

Set as a data structure

If I'd ask you to remove the duplicates from an array of numbers. How would you do it?

Use Set as a data structure to improve the functionality and performance of your app. Here's an example where I'll remove duplicates from an array of numbers using Set object.

const arr = [1, 2, 2, 3]
const newArr = new Set(arr)
const unique = [...newArr]

// unique - [1, 2, 3]

Callback-based APIs -> Promises

To make things cleaner and more efficient you can transform the callback (ourCallbackFn) into a promise being a function.

// we start with this 
async function foo() {
  const x = await something1()
  const y = await something2()

    // ...

// the transformation
async function foo() {
  const x = await something1()
  const y = await something2()

  await promiseCallbackFn() //๐Ÿ‘€

function promiseCallbackFn() {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    ourCallbackFn((err, data) => { //๐Ÿ‘€
      if (err) {
      } else {

This was a list of 5 JavaScript tips. Pretty neat, right? I hope you find my first post useful! Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

Thank You!

